Menu Design
Designing your menu is just nearly as important as designing your foodservice business. The items you list may determine the success of your store. It is important to carefully select the right items to place on your menu, as well as selecting the most appealing design to the customer. With the help of our professional staff we can help you design the perfect menu that is right for your business in just 4 easy steps.

Step #1
What Will You Serve?
Decide what you want to serve your customers. Make sure that the items are not only appetizing, but profitable for you, and the waiters and waitresses that you may have. Pricing items too low may make workers upset since low prices means low tips at the end of the day.
Step #2
Keep It Simple
In many economic situations the more items you have to serve your customers needs the better, as each item serves as another source of income; however, in the foodservice industry simplicity is best. Too many menu options can be confusing for the customer. The more simple your menu is the better it is for you, your customer, and for your chefs. Less types of foods means better quality foods served!

Step #3
Choose Your Design
Next you want to choose the right design for your menu design that best fits the cuisine your serving your customers. When picking a design for your menu we suggest to also consider the theme of your establishment as a reoccurring theme in your new menu. We will be happy to assist you with picking the right theme, and photos for your menus design.
Step #4
Printing & Delivery
Once your menu design has been completed we will send you a copy of a sample menu for your final approval. Once approved we send your design off to the printers and will have it delivered to you shortly.